Imbrišić cheese dairy is loctared in Kozarevac, village in Municipality of Kloštar Podravski. On their farm you can see how chhese is made - from beggining till packing, and soon you will be able to taste it in brand new tasting room where can be 50 persons. Except of producting few different kinds of cheese, they also product hommemade cream,milk and hommemade butter.. You can also make a tourist tour all over their farm with hosts to hear their story, see animals and find out how one day on a farm looks like from morning to evening. Every year family Imbrišić participate on a trade fair in Gudovac with their animals and every year they get a lot of first awards for them.
Kozarevac, Petra Preradovića 67, 48362 Kloštar Podravski
+385 99 501 9267
+385 48 895 103